Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) | First Teaser Dropped

Above photo from Toy News International.

A little spontaneous writing for you all today. In the past couple of years, I heard through the grapevine that Jason Reitman was working on a follow-up to his highly successful Ghostbusters sequel, Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021).

I didn’t look too much into it, because for these kinds of things, the less I know, the better. I feel like now, more than ever, too much information is given out about future films, that by the time they come out you already know half of it.

So today, on my lunchbreak, I make my way to YouTube with no real objective, but I quickly found one as my eyes landed on the thumbnail for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, the first teaser. It had just dropped about an hour earlier. Without even skipping a beat, I clicked on it, not knowing at all what to expect. What a rollercoaster of emotions this trailer was. I went from feeling uncertain, to curious, to downright excited!

I feel like a bit of a backstory is needed here. The Ghostbusters franchise has been extremely important to me in my life. The original Ghostbusters (1984) is the first film I remember watching, ever! It’s my earliest movie memory. I remember renting it on videocassette with my family, and catching it every time it came on TV (usually the French-dubbed version).

The “Ghostbusters” title card, as I remember it as a child.

In the late 80s, I would never miss an episode of The Real Ghostbusters. It scared the living daylights out of me, and even kept me from sleeping some nights. I can remember my mother forbidding me to watch it, but I would sneakily find ways to get my Ghostbusters fix. It was an addiction. As much as it scared me, I couldn’t get enough of these characters and these storylines.

Me on my 4th birthday, 1989. Receiving a Ghostbusters Proton Pack, which I thought was real. That’s a story for another time.

Now, I plan to write a more elaborate history of Ghostbusters and my experiences with it next year for the film’s 40th anniversary, but I felt like it was necessary for me to set the stage for you to really understand how important this franchise is to me.

Now we won’t talk about the 2016 reboot, because it never happened (it was all a dream), but in 2019 a teaser dropped for a new DIRECT sequel to the first two films, and it was called Ghostbusters: Afterlife. It was announced that the film would be directed by Jason Reitman, son of Ivan Reitman who had directed both Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II. Ivan would also be serving as producer. To say I was excited would be an understatement. The fact that they were keeping it in the family, so to speak, gave me confidence in the project. Sadly, while the film was in production, COVID happened, and caused delay, after delay, after delay.

Finally in November of 2021, the film was released theatrically. Unfortunately I missed it in theaters, but I bought the blu-ray the day it came out on February 1st, 2022.

Happy camper. Me parked outside of Wal-Mart the morning “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” came out, February 1st, 2022.

I won’t go too much into detail, as this is not a review of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, but I will say that it exceeded all of my expectations, and I was very pleased with the film. VERY pleased.

When they announced a sequel to Afterlife, my immediate thought was: “But how could a sequel match up to it?“. Seeing the first teaser today gave me hope, and as I said previously, built up my curiosity and excitement. The film won’t be directed by Jason Reitman, but he will be producing while Gil Kenan will be in the director’s chair.

This turned out to be much longer than I had planned, so without any further delay, here is the brand new teaser for you to check out for yourselves. Feel free to share your thoughts on it, or of the Ghostbusters Franchise in general. Cheers!

And for my French-speaking brothers and sisters:

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is set for release on March 22, 2024.

Directed By Gil Kenan

Written By Jason Reitman & Gil Kenan

Starring Mckenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts and Patton Oswalt

16 responses to “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) | First Teaser Dropped”

  1. I’m willing to give Afterlife a watch because of your praise!

    I grew up on the original, but not the Real Ghostbusters. Though I do understand the popularity of the show.

    Imagine my shock when, in the peak popularity of The Real Ghostbusters, I stumbled upon a cartoon called Ghost Busters! Suddenly I understood why “The Real” was added!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely give “Afterlife” a chance, Mike! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

      And dude, I also remember Filmation’s “Ghost Busters” with the ape! I’d watch reruns of it in the ’90s on YTV, and was like “What’s up with this Ghostbusters cartoon?”, lol! I’d love to watch it again. Did you know it was actually based on a live action TV series???

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I’ve watched a bit of the live action on Youtube. Definitely a bit more “kiddie” than what we were used to!

        I find a lot of people younger than me have a much stronger attachment to Ghostbusters. I remember seeing both original films in theaters.

        My poor grandma…we dragged her out. My grandpa had just died and she did not understand Ghostbusters at all…it was not a fun outing for her. Not that the ghosts were associated with her loss, just she was grieving and we’ll never forget how much she hated that experience. Wasn’t in the right headspace for a comedy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • She had a very different reaction when we took her to see “You’ve Got Mail”.

        “I just saw the best movie,” she said. “It was called There’s Mail Waiting For You!”

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed Afterlife and I liked the way they paid homage to the original. It definitely wasn’t a carbon copy. I don’t know if I’ll check the new one out in theaters, but will definitely stream it when it comes out. Still can’t beat the originals. My youngest daughter enjoyed those a lot and Afterlife. I will let here know there is a new one, but she probably already knows.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy to hear you enjoyed Afterlife as well. I heard many reviewers complaining that it relied too much on nostalgia, but for me that’s what I liked about it. I’ll try and catch this one in theaters, since my only Ghostbusters theatrical experience was the 2016 reboot, and that’s not acceptable, lol! I’m excited to show the original movies to my kids, but they’re still a bit too young, so it won’t be for another couple of years…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nice ! I’m a huge fan of the Bill & Ted movies as well, as I grew up on them. The first two have great soundtracks. I also enjoyed the third movie that came out in 2020. While I found it to be a bit anti-climactic, it was fun to see both Reeves and Winter reprise their roles, and I enjoyed seeing the daughter characters go on their own “Excellent Adventure” as well.


  3. Well, here is another connection for us as Ghostbusters is my all time favourite movie. I watched the original about 100 times when I was a kid. I guess I’m a hater of the new stuff, so I’ll just say I’m glad the franchise is still around to make people happy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Man, the similarities just keep comin’, HA! That’s awesome, I often credit the original as being my favorite movie as well, because it’s probably the movie I’ve seen the most times in my life.

      Just curious if you’ve seen “Afterlife”, and why you consider yourself to be a hater of the modern stuff. Not judging, just curious 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I’ve watched Afterlife. I’ll just say, the last two movies are not made for me. I don’t like them so I guess that makes me a hater, lol Maybe hater is too strong of a word. I’m a don’t carer, lol

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, well I respect that! That’s pretty much where I was in 2016 when they released that reboot. But when talk came out about “Afterlife”, and that it was going to be in the same universe as the originals, well that changed everything for me…


  4. Wow, what a teaser! I remember the original like it was yesterday; the sequel less so. I love the continuity in the new one with Murray and Aykroyd. Thanks for sharing the great post… took me right back to 1984!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Steve! It’s great to hear that so many people have fond memories of the original movie. I’m excited to introduce my kids to it, but they’re still a bit too young. They know the song though and they love it, and they have Ghostbusters t-shirts as well, so I’m taking it step by step, haha!

      Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hey Jex, it’s awesome when we can share our favourites with our kids! (And then when they do the same with theirs!) I’m sure yours will enjoy it when the time is right.

        Liked by 1 person

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