“Frozen Empire” Review Coming Soon!

Good morning, folks! The weekend is finally upon us, and I started it in the best way by going to see Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire with my good friend Marty, last night (opening night).

The plan was for me to put together a quick review once I got home, and have it up for this morning (Saturday), but by the time I did get home, it was late and I was tired. And, seeing how I’m on full-time parent-duty on weekends, I probably won’t be able to put something together until tonight, but I wanted to at least give you a little something in the meantime… A teaser, if you will.

So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures of our evening out with the Ghostbusters. Heck, we even met a couple of Ghostbusters on our way out! Enjoy, and stay tuned!


4 responses to ““Frozen Empire” Review Coming Soon!”

  1. It was definitely a fun night…I can’t wait ’til the dvd comes out because it was so much to grasp…It was a great story line…..I ended up finding a new friend “Puffy” while in theaters

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